Now let's all sing the "Mail" song from "Blue's Clues"...

But who wants to hear that? <A clue! A clue!> ....What?! Where? *turns around and smacks into the wall* GAAAHH! ARRGHH! You #$@%'n kids! I'm gonna m^%$#$%# grahahgaga, blagarafrya!!
Ahem... ().... On this page, I'll post e-mails (and maybe my responses) and special Guestbook entries, and my responses. Yay. Now... *puts on goggles and picks up chainsaw* ...where did those little *&%&*#@@ get off to?
Finally Some Letters! Yipeee!
(If you don't want yer letter posted, please tell me!)
I totally agree with you on the Xelloss-Firia thing. Firia is just some sort of blonde haired freak and she makes my old hairstyle look bad. She wears some sort of freaking screwed up outfit and her behavior part scares me, part disgusts me, and part worries me. It scares me because she has hardly any self-control, disgusts me because she's such a useless character, and worries me because she's probably going to put a permanent dent into Xelloss' spirit form somehow with that "mace-sama" of hers. Her voice is really annoying in the Japanese version, and even worse in thedub. I didn't think I could ever hate any characters more than I hate Martina, but Firia somehow managed it. And how people can say they'd make a "cute couple" is beyond me.. Yeah, 'cute', if you mean dangerous as heck. - 'Becca Metallium
Hi! I visited your site and I REALLY LIKE IT! Don't ever take it down or stop updating! And put more rants in, I honestly found some of those hilarious.
PS: Death to David Moo! :D Couldn't resist... ^-^ Bye!
- Rebecca
Yup. As it happens, word has spread (from the first evil ones that wrote you! Ahh!) that you have a site devoted to my bunny, Xelloss. Yay! One of these days I'll have to make my own, and then I'll link to you and we can share banners and all kinds of fun stuff! Kawaii! But, until then. Oh, and as a side-note: YOU MUST SEE TRY. Xelloss gets to actually have a role! And he's lookin' good and evil, if I do say so myself.* Anyway, I just felt like boosting your ego and giving you a cookie ::chibi-Xelloss hands you a cookie:: for an excellent job on Xelloss' Genki Octopus Shrine/All You Can Eat Buffet.
Lina: All You Can Eat?! WHEREWHEREWHERE?! ::points, watches her run off into the distance::
Yare yare, that Lina sure likes her food.. Oh well. Bye! ::dashes after Lina, yelling, "Save some squid for me, little pig!"::
- From your friend, J. Korinia, Official Xelloss-Bunny
*: Does this sentence make sense? Probably not. Oh well.
you said you have yet to see xelloss' mazoku form. if yet to see means that you don't know what it is then i would be more than glad to tell you. xelloss is a big black cone. you can see him near the end of next where phibby got killed, everyone woke up and xelloss appears. and he doesn't appear in the ziggy zaggy thingy either, the cone kinda swirls. the cone does not fade to become him or anything, he just pops almost instantly or something. the cone is about ____ that much taller than him. hopefully that is detailed enough for you.
Kili-chan: Holy cricket! Xelly is a cone? Get out your geometry notes, everyone!