I love to get mail! My site is (unfortunately) fan-oriented (unfortunately so because I have almost no fans), so please send here to contribute all of the crap I talk about on the other pages! Just mail me whatever ya want and it'll go up on here somewheres. Flames, fanstuff, ransom notes, whatever!
Just click this mofo to send me mail:
About Me:

Tasuki of "Fuushigi Yuugi" |

My current favorate anime happens to be "Yu-Gi-Oh", mostly 'cuz I'm po' & don't have cable. |
NAME: Kili (Waitress of XGOS)...Hey, I like the name! Quit making Dwarf jokes! **runs off crying**
A.K.A: Sailor Crabnebula, or Sailor Crabby. OCCUPATION: o/ Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja! o/ (I'm the Birdcatcher, yes I am!)
WHAT'S YOUR SIGN?: Aquarius... (Ya gonna die) FAVORATE COLOR: Purple. But ya probably already guessed THAT, eh?
FAVORATE CELESTIAL WARRIOR OF SUZAKU: Without a doubt, it is Tasuki.
FAVORATE EPISODE OF "BABAR": The "mango" episode! Nyahahahaha! Good mango to you! (Irrelevant question!!!)
MORE: I just want everyone to know that I've only seen The Slayers and The Slayers Next. I haven't seen the old Slayers (with Naga) and I haven't seen Try save for 3 eps ("Selfless and Senseless; Pursuit Through the Labyrinth", "An Explosive Situation; The One Who Holds the Key", and "Striding and Swaggering; Lamentation Without End"). So no, I'm not an expert on Try, and I know almost nothing about Naga and Valgaav and Rowdy Gabriev. If I say anything contradictory to Slayers Try or anything, that's my excuse. And I've only seen the whole Slayers and Slayers Next once, because I don't own any tapes (except for the one containing the aforementioned Try episodes) and I had borrowed them. So if I make any story-related cock-ups, then understand that I don't have any solid references. So blah.
A trick question! I haven't got any! Hahahahaha!
Groupie Buttons:
Special Quiz Thingies!
Sorry there are so many, but I'm a fiend for these things!
 What charecter from the anime slayers would be your freind brought to you by Quizilla
Wtf???? I'm... a match for...ZELGADIS?! **rubs chin** You know, he is pretty fine for a boring, celf-centered chimera... **Xellos vomits in terror**
 The Ultimate *Which Harry Potter Character are You?* Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Hobbit are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Hey, you're Merry! Although you don't get nearly the amount of screentime you deserve, we all know you are one awesome hobbit. With a great sense of humour too, so yay for you.
 Frodo! Young men are the right kind of men for you. You like the important ring carrying boys, dontcha? Watch that he doesn't get killed, though. That would kinda suck.
Which LOTR Boi Would You Marry? brought to you by Quizilla
 | Wish Bear You are the dreamer of the group and believe that things will all turn out exactly how you want them to be. Your extreme optimism often annoys your friends but they realize that you do have the power to make your dreams come true. You also keep an eye out for your friends, always looking out for them. | |