Sites (Slayers and otherwise) in affiliation with me:
~This is my little sister Jupie's site about her favorate voice actor (and real-life bishounen; he's such a cutie!) Brad Swaile. This is the Brad Swaile site because she scraped up as much info on this guy as she could find (not just the basics!). Yep! All other Swaile sites got some of their info from her! Anyway, she is so obsessed, she can't go one day without mentioning him at least once, so you know this is gonna be one heck of a site! So whether yer a Swailophile, or you've never heard his name before in your life, visit it anyway!: ~ Another site by Sara Rommyu! It's a severe work in progress, though... : ~This is my good buddy Sara Rommyu's site about her own futuristic branch of the Sailor Moon story... Sailor Moon and the Magnum Nine! It's really cool and creative (I luv it!), and it's full of her spiffirriffic artwork of her characters. You gotta see it! Tell em' Sailor Crabby sent ya!: ~ This is another site by Sara Rommyu (and her friend Zach). It's so cool! Send her info and she makes a chibi drawing of ya! (Mine is Chibi Shatcat) Loads o' chibi fun! : ~ This is a neato site run by two sisters, Kira &Chiko. It's really cute & funny. They even have fanart, which I envy. Damn shame I don't own a scanner... Still, very cute and their constant sibling rows are jolly entertaining and only borderline domestic abuse ^_^:
~ This is a nice ol' Tripod site like mine! (Plus, perhaps influenced by me?...) Creative & evil all the way. (Sorry, a link wouldn't work so I had to post the URL):

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~ Check it out! You can get Xellos mail here at the zzn mail service (I'm XellosMail's webmaster-ess). It's fun, it's free, and damn it it's just so cool to have an e-mail with the name "Xellos" in it! Do it! (I have been to's mail, and it sux! I decorated my e-mail service! It's so cool looking!) Just click that little green mofo:
~ Finally, a webring has adopted me!! I urge you to go to this all-Xellos webring! This is the One Ring! Yes... the one Xellos ring to rule them all! ^-^ Ash nazg durbatuluk! :
-Ragna Blade- |
This ring is for all the Mazoku out there. All the demons and monsters of Slayers. Go wild and join! Pehaps we can destroy the world... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... Total chaos, the sea of chaos lies befor you. | |
~ This is a BEAUTIFUL Harry Potter fanart site! Okay, even though HP is not anime, they drew all the characters in *gasp!* anime style! It's so cool! They also have many links to equally beautiful Harry Potter-drawn-as-anime sites. If you like Harry Potter, and ya like Anime, see the two combined! Yahooo!
~ I dunno... some crazy guy asked me to put this link here...I'm now part of his huge community! Ha ha up yours Anipike! >;P. Though, I wonder why he'd take so much interest in this little smeghole abyss site... Meh. As the French say, "Chacun ses gouts!" : ~ Who's That Lady? Is by far the funniest Slayers site I've ever been to. I first saw it while on the internet at the library and I could barely contain my laughter! It was so funny, I almost soiled myself, I swear.
~ Yes! I am a wholehearted supporter of Necrofilia! Hahaha! I hate Filia just so much, and all these loudmouthed pro-Filia people make people like me reluctant to show their blazing hatred! (Not all Filia fans are like that, just the "OMG, Filia is so great and you suck for hating her!!! :P" people are) Nevertheless....
DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other random sites that are not Slayers related and in no affiliation with me but are linked here because they tickle my fancy:
~ TheSpark is really great because (in my opinion) of their hilarious tests! Go on and take one! : ~ Quizilla is the bomb! If you love internet quizzes like I do, you'll have a ball!
~ Here's a Lord of the Rings site that - gasp! - has cool name generators! Hobbit/Elf/Orc/Dwarf names and everything! You gotta visit it! :